Monday, March 23, 2009

About wishlists & checklists...

I have never really believed in the concept of living your life by a time-table. I have always felt that it makes your life really monotonous, and doesn't allow you to enjoy the spontaneity that comes with having an unplanned life. It binds you to a particular set goals for the day / month / year or whatever it is that you plan your life around, and doesn't really encourage you to think beyond those...

I was so wrong! I fact, I have now come to believe that having a time table actually creates a far more enriching life. When you have a set of "to do" things on a list, you are that much more likely to accomplish all of them. For instance, consider that you have to complete "x" number of things today. Now if you are somebody who doesn't like making lists / time tables, and believes in taking every moment as and when it comes, you may go about the day with your "to do" list in mind, but you could get caught unawares by something that you hadn't anticipated earlier. And since you don't have a plan to stick by, you would go all out to tackle that something at the cost of your "things to do" list. All those things could wait till tomorrow as well, right? :-)

However, for a person who has a time table, it is easy to make time out for unexpected things, after finishing all the things on his things to do list! And also, when you write a time-table, you become aware that you can really be in control of your life... in the sense, do all those things that you really wanted to, but never got around to doing... (for lack of time, money etc)

So go ahead folks, and make a time table for today... and live by it! Trust me, the effort will well be worth it! Imagine packing all you possibly can into a beautiful day. and actually striking off things that you've managed to complete at the end of the day! Doesn't it make you smile already? If it doesn't then think about this. You will see a whole new world of possibilities  which you haven't given the remotest thought to. And life will just become a medium to make sure you can explore these possibilities to the fullest.

For starters, I'd like to share 2 things that I've got out of living by a time table (atleast making an effort to love by it!)

1) I have managed to take the first step towards a voice - based career!

2) I will also enrol for a music training course this year! :-) (I've been wanting to do this since over 10 years!)

These may be really small things, but I look at them as a first step towards fulfilling my latent dreams. Go on, you can try it too!



  1. I dont quite agree, i hate to do lists. Whenever I have made to do list, then I have been in hurry to finish them and have seldom got the joy of doing them. So if at all I make todo list, I put only the boring non creative things, like paying the bill, etc. :)

  2. is it?

    well, in my case, checklists have always made me actually get down to do things that i would have otherwise done "someday..." ;-)

    as regards the boring stuff... even checklists might not help there if u don't want to do it! :-)
